1. Shake Well - Prime on first use.
2. Lean Forward - Sitting or standing, lean slightly forward so you are looking at your toes.
3. Insert Nozzle Using Opposite Hand - Insert the nozzle inside your left nostril using your right hand.
4. Point Away - Point the tip of the nozzle away from the center of your nasal cavity and slightly towards the outside wall. This will reduce the risk of developing nose bleeds.
5. Pump Once Firmly
6. Breathe Normally - Do not inhale sharply.
7. Repeat - Staying in the same position, repeat steps 3-6 in your right nostril using your left hand to pump the bottle.
8. Lift Head Slowly - Keep your head down for 15-30 seconds to prevent the solution from going down your throat. Wipe any excess fluid dripping from your nose with a tissue.